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GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manuf. Housing Update

Uncategorized October 3, 2019


10/02/2019 09:10 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 07:10 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY TRUM47TRU14663AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 3083008, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 1BC 3083008 ; Vin SRB030462AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy TRUmh ; Model 47TRU14663AH18 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; ClimateZone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 1 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, bedroom door knob broken, tires may be flat or low, undercarriage vapor barrier torn, ; Major Missing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables; There may be other missing items, damages and orrequired repairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all childrenentering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ONTHIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Drivermust have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a validdriver s license at thetime of removal. 70311292420247B

10/02/2019 09:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 07:00 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY TRUM47TRU14663AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 3083026, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 1BC 3083026 ; Vin SRB030455AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy TRUmh ; Model 47TRU14663AH18 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; ClimateZone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 1 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, tires may be flat or low, undercarriage vapor barrier torn, ; Major Missing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables ; There may beother missing items, damages and or required repairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules andregulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodianwill not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signedcopy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at thetime of removal. 70311292420238B

10/02/2019 08:50 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 06:50 PM CT.

  2017 TRUMH 42TRU14663AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 3083027, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 3083027 ; Vin SA4073101AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr TRUmh ;Model 42TRU14663AH17 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: dishwasher ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, tires may be flat or low ; Major Missing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair,coffee end tables ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidderinspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRESAPPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. NOPETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorizationto Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420237B

10/02/2019 08:40 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 06:40 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY TRUM42TRU14663AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270184, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270184 ; Vin SA4075169AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy TRUmh ; Model 42TRU14663AH18 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; ClimateZone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: dishwasher ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, tires may be flat or low ; Major Missing Items: 1 tire, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables ; Theremay be other missing items, damages andor requiredrepairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the propertylocation. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Thoseacquiring unitsare responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will notassist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420235B

10/02/2019 08:30 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 06:30 PM CT.

  2018 CMH TRUMH 97TRU14663BH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270293, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270293 ; Vin BEL009249TX ; Year 2018 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 97TRU14663BH18 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, tires may be flator low, master bedroom window broken, loose siding, ; MajorMissing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs that werenot seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. NO PETSOR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour noticeis required forPickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copyof the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the timeof removal. 70311292420228B

10/02/2019 08:20 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 06:20 PM CT.

  2018 LEGACY C167232D MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2091963, VEHICLE LENGTH: 72 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2091963 ; Vin L30836 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Legacy ; Model C167232D ; Size 16X72 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA2 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, MAY BE EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS, wall panels loose throughout unit, trim loose throughout unit, tires may be flat or low, roof edge torn bent upwards, wires hanging from undercarriage,large hole in wall leading inside with surroundingsiding bent torn, ; Major Missing Items: couch, arm chair, coffee end tables ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs thatwere not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THISSITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Securityrules and regulations, supervision is required forall children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signedcopy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at thetime of removal. 70311292420142B

10/02/2019 08:10 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 06:10 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY TRUM42TRU14602AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270268, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270268 ; Vin SA4074343AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy TRUmh ; Model 42TRU14602AH18 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; ClimateZone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, cracked electrical socket plate, knobs missing from kitchen cabinets, trim loose throughout unit, tires may be flat or low, loose siding, ; MajorMissing Items: 1 tire, microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs that were not seen ornoted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420131B

10/02/2019 08:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 06:00 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY TRUM42TRU14602AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 3083043, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 3083043 ; Vin SA4074897AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy TRUmh ; Model 42TRU14602AH18 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; ClimateZone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, tires may be flat or low ; Major Missing Items: 2 tires,microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs that were not seen or noted duringinspection. Bidderinspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMSALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups.Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site.Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Drivermust have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420127B

10/02/2019 07:50 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 05:50 PM CT.

  2017 CMH CLAYTON 97TRU14602AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270390, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270390 ; Vin BEL008126TX ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 97TRU14602AH18 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles4 ; BR 2 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: dishwasher ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, trim loose throughout unit, carpet stained in living area, tires may be flat or low ; Major Missing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended.Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to HomelandSecurity rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. Theproperty custodian willnot assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt,Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420118B

10/02/2019 07:40 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 05:40 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY TRUM47TRU14663AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 3083011, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 1BC 3083011 ; Vin SRB030461AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy TRUmh ; Model 47TRU14663AH18 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; ClimateZone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 1 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, hole in wall near middle bedroom, strike plate missing from closetin front bedroom, tires may be flat or low, front door edge bent near doorknob, ; Major Missing Items: microwave, table, chairs, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables, dressers, two bedframes ; There may be other missing items, damages andor required repairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering theproperty location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ONTHIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring unitsare responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodianwill not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signedcopy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420099B

10/02/2019 07:30 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 05:30 PM CT.

  2018 CMH TRUMH 97TRU14663AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2058928, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2058928 ; Vin BEL008562TX ; Year 2018 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 97TRU14663AH18 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: dishwasher ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, stained carpet in living area, urine and pet odor in master bedroom, tires may be flat or low ; Major Missing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair, coffeeend tables, dressers, bedframes ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring unitsare responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420094B

10/02/2019 07:20 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 05:20 PM CT.

  2018 CMH TRUMH 97TRU14663BH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2059066, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2059066 ; Vin BEL008691TX ; Year 2018 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 97TRU14663BH18 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: dishwasher ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, trim loose buckling throughout unit, tires may be flat or low; Major Missing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables, two bedframes ; There may beother missing items, damages and or required repairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to HomelandSecurityrules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The propertycustodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must havea signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a validdriver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420092B

10/02/2019 07:10 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 05:10 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY TRUM42TRU14663AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2091805, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2091805 ; Vin SA4075162AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy TRUmh ; Model 42TRU14663AH18 ; Size 14X70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; ClimateZone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: dishwasher ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, smoke odor, pet odor, carpet stained and dirty, tires may beflat or low, TONGUE IS BENT – THIS UNIT MAY NEED THE TONGUE REPAIRED OR REPLACED PRIOR TO HAULING. THE BUYER HAULER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING ROADWORTHYPRIOR TO HAULING., ; Major Missing Items: 1 tire, microwave, couch, arm chair,coffee end tables, bedframes ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs thatwere not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FORVIEWING . Due to Homeland Securityrules and regulations, supervision is required forall children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWEDON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring unitsare responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420089B

10/02/2019 07:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 05:00 PM CT.

  2018 HAMILTON 164011A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270151, VEHICLE LENGTH: 44 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270151 ; Vin HH18AL00099 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Hamilton ; Model 164011A ; Size 16X44 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load:20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, tires may be flat or low ;Major Missing Items: couch, arm chair, coffee end tables ;There may be other missing items, damagesand or required repairs that were notseen or notedduring inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering theproperty location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible forroadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and avalid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420084B

10/02/2019 06:50 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 04:50 PM CT.

  2018 HAMILTON 165631A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2058743, VEHICLE LENGTH: 60 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2058743 ; Vin HH18AL00239 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Hamilton ; Model 165631A ; Size 16X60 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load:20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, water damage outside cabinets, floor covering warped, light fixture loose inbedroom, bedroom door trim missing, tires may be flat or low, insulation hanging from torn undercarriage, ; Major Missing Items: 1 tire, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables, two bedframes ; There may be other missing items, damages and or requiredrepairs that were not seen or noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING .Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of thePurchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420071B

10/02/2019 06:40 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 04:40 PM CT.

  2018 CMH SCHULT 31RSV16763XH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2059069, VEHICLE LENGTH: 80 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2059069 ; Vin CLW044351TX ; Year 2018 ; Mfr CMH Schult ; Model 31RSV16763XH18 ; Size 16X80 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: ceiling fan, dishwasher ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, smoke odor, tires may be flat or low, storm doorhandle broken, backdoor doesn’t shut tightly, ; Major Missing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables, bedframe ; There may be other missing items, damages and or required repairs thatwere not seen or noted during inspection. Bidderinspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLY Mon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Securityrules and regulations, supervision is required forall children entering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMSALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the site.Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in makingany unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420065B

10/02/2019 06:30 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-09-2019 04:30 PM CT.

  2017 CAVALIER HAMILTON 73COM16562AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2058914, VEHICLE LENGTH: 60 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2058914 ; Vin CBC047824AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cavalier Hamilton ; Model 73COM16562AH17 ; Size 16X60 ;Axles 4 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: ceiling fan, dishwasher ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, tires may be flat or low ; Major Missing Items: microwave, couch, arm chair, coffee end tables, bedframe ; There may be other missing items,damages and or required repairs that were not seenor noted during inspection. Bidder inspection is highly recommended. Pickups are by APPOINTMENT ONLYMon – Fri, 8 am to 3 pm , weather permitting and closed holidays. THIS SITE REQUIRES APPOINTMENTS FOR VIEWING . Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all childrenentering the property location. NO PETS OR FIREARMS ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. A 24-hour notice is required for Pickups.Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the site. Inspection is highly advised. The property custodian will not assist in making any unit roadworthy. Driver must have a signed copy of the Purchaser s Receipt, Authorization to Transport form and a valid driver s license at the time of removal. 70311292420051B

  • GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manuf. Housing Update

    by on June 15, 2019 - 0 Comments

    . TRAILERS WAGON 06/14/2019 07:22 PM EDT CURRENT BID: $10    STATE: NC    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 06-21-2019 05:22 PM CT.   One lot est. to consist of: 2 ea Aero wagons. In scrap condition. Buyer responsible for loading and removal of property. Please inspect before purchase. Contact Curtis Powell 919-515-2823 2nd contact Chad Carter 919-515-2759, […]

  • GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manufactured Housing Update

    by on August 14, 2019 - 0 Comments

    . 2017 LIVE OAK F531414 MANUFACTURED HOUSING 08/14/2019 01:40 PM EDT CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 08-21-2019 11:40 AM CT.   2017 LIVE OAK F531414 MANUFACTURED HOUSING BAR CODE: 2083370, VEHICLE LENGTH: 53 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083370 ; VIN: LOHGA21631768AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Live […]

  • GSA Auctions Salvage/Scrap Vehicles Update

    by on October 9, 2019 - 0 Comments

    . 2005 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 10/08/2019 07:20 PM EDT CURRENT BID: $300    STATE: GA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-15-2019 05:20 PM CT.   2005 Ford Crown Victoria, ***Salvage***; Not to be title for highway use***; ***Vehicle being sold for parts only**; ***Please be advised this vehicle has a recall***; ***The successful bidder will be responsible […]

  • GSA Auctions Trucks, Tractors and Ground Vehicles Update

    by on March 18, 2020 - 0 Comments

    . 2014 FORD F150 03/18/2020 01:00 PM EDT CURRENT BID: $9,000    STATE: NM    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 03-25-2020 11:00 AM CT.   P/UP TRK 4X4, 2014 FORD, F150, LIGHT WHITE FUEL:ETHNOL, 06 CYL, TAG:G62-4483P, EST MI: 91169, VIN:1FTMF1EM2EKE27001 THIS IS A GSA FLEET VEHICLE AND MAY CONTAIN SCRATCHES, DENTS, DINGS, & CHIPS. A ONE DAY […]

  • GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manuf. Housing Update

    by on February 27, 2019 - 0 Comments