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GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manufactured Housing Update


01/09/2019 07:01 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 06:01 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION CHAMPION MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2080294, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2080294 ; Vin 122AC0HA005210A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410038L

01/09/2019 07:01 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 06:01 PM CT.

  2017 OAK CREEK F1460 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2080120, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2080120 ; Vin OC011728973AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Oak Creek ; Model F1460 ;Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normalwear and tear , tires flat/low, minor roof damage nearedge ; Missing Items: range ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hournotice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaserreceipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410138L

01/09/2019 07:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 06:00 PM CT.

  2016 GSH FRANKLIN 1460BTSUF MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1727854, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1727854 ; Vin ALFS1960033AC ; Year 2016 ; Mfr GSH Franklin ; Model 1460BTSUF ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, wall covering peeling in living room , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may berequired. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing theunit. The property custodian will not assistthe driver in making the unit roadworthy. The propertycustodian will escort each driver from the site ifhe/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required forall children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copyof the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410010L

01/09/2019 07:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 06:00 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION FEMA1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083204, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083204 ; Vin FL261AC0HB201296A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model FEMA1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; RoofLoad: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs ; MHU is equippedwith residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hournotice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaserreceipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410110L

01/09/2019 07:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 06:00 PM CT.

  2017 LIVE OAK FEMA531414 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2065042, VEHICLE LENGTH: 54 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2065042 ; Vin LOHGA21631585AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Live Oak ; Model FEMA531414 ; Size 14X54 ; Axles 5 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, toilet dirty/seat loose, loose trim,, tires flat/low, loose siding/trim, frontdoor strike/trim bent, vapor barriertorn, insulation hanging down ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing Mthrough F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highlyrecommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure eachauthorized driver is properly equipped to make anynecessary repairs prior to removing the unit. Theproperty custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodianwill escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs.No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering theproperty location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380010H

01/09/2019 07:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 06:00 PM CT.

  2018 LEGACY S-1256-21A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270318, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270318 ; Vin L31144 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Legacy ; Model S-1256-21A ; Size 12X56 ; Axles 3 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wearand tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to makeany necessary repairs prior to removing theunit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400010H

01/09/2019 06:53 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:53 PM CT.

  2017 GSH FRANKLIN 1452CONUSSTD MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2037638, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2037638 ; Vin ALFS4560106AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr GSH Franklin ; Model 1452CONUSSTD ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, jack handle broken ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, couch/armchair,coffee/end table, dressers/night stands, 1 mattress ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm,weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required.Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser willensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driverin making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make anyrepairs. No pets allowed. Due toHomeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers licenseat the timeof removal. 70311283410091L

01/09/2019 06:53 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:53 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 0848N1NORTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1745298, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1745298 ; Vin 007AC0HA002795A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 0848N1NORTH ; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weatherpermitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other partsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules andregulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410191L

01/09/2019 06:52 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:52 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082998, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082998 ; Vin 009AC0HA002144A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: range, refrigerator, microwave, kitchen table/chairs, couch/chairs, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 amto 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended.Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable tomake any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy ofthe purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license atthe time of removal. 70311283410064L

01/09/2019 06:52 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:52 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067367, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067367 ; Vin 023AC0HA003232A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14X52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residentialfire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highlyrecommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410164L

01/09/2019 06:51 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:51 PM CT.

  2013 CHAMPION 1460N3NORTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1398964, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1398964 ; Vin 112AC0HNC250248A ; Year 2013 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3NORTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load:30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, tongue jackbroken,frame slightly bent at rear ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, coffee/end tables ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missingand other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The propertycustodian will escort each driver from the site ifhe/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410037L

01/09/2019 06:51 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:51 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460U3SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082572, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082572 ; Vin 021AC0HA004184A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460U3SOUTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410137L

01/09/2019 06:51 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:51 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY 44FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2039409, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2039409 ; Vin SOU010737AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 44FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14X56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: 2 tires ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Securityrules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380037H

01/09/2019 06:50 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:50 PM CT.

  2017 CAVALIER 74CAP16723BH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066193, VEHICLE LENGTH: 76 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2066193 ; Vin CCV076231AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cavalier ; Model 74CAP16723BH17 ; Size 16×76 ; Axles 6; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs ; Viewing M through F, 8am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules andregulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copyof the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410009L

01/09/2019 06:50 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:50 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY 44FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082650, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082650 ; Vin SOU010921AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 44FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8am to 3 pm, weatherpermitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from thesite if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a validdrivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410109L

01/09/2019 06:50 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:50 PM CT.

  2017 LIVE OAK FEMA531414 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083407, VEHICLE LENGTH: 54 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083407 ; Vin LOHGA21631758AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Live Oak ; Model FEMA531414 ; Size 14X54 ; Axles 5; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, water stain/damage above window, loosetrim , tires flat/low, siding/trim loose, vapor barrier torn, insulation hanging down ; Missing Items: siding/trim pieces ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in makingthe unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380009H

01/09/2019 06:50 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:50 PM CT.

  2014 CAPPAERT 840-1 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2058942, VEHICLE LENGTH: 44 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2058942 ; Vin CHVM29597AC ; Year 2014 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model 840-1 ; Size 8X44 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ;BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: UFAS ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, tongue jack broken, vapor barrier torn around electrical service ; Missing Items: microwave, table, chairs, couch, chair,mattresses, beds ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness andsafety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unitroadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site ifhe/she is unable to makeany repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400009H

01/09/2019 06:43 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:43 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2080256, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2080256 ; Vin CLH039210TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, hole in wall, floor coveringdamage in various spots , tires flat/low ; MissingItems: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. ViewingM through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The property custodianwill not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervisionis required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license atthe time of removal. 70311283410090L

01/09/2019 06:43 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:43 PM CT.

  2017 LEXINGTON 150848U MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2039107, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2039107 ; Vin LH0116W10143AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Lexington ; Model 150848U ; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ;Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ;Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: range, refrigerator, microwave, kitchen table/chairs, couch/chairs, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system.Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3pm,weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver isproperly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410190L

01/09/2019 06:42 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:42 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2039554, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2039554 ; Vin 112AC0HSC250428A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 53 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load:20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: 1 axle, refrigerator, microwave, arnchair, kitchen table/chairs, coffee/end tables, 1 night stand ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system.Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring unitsare responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure eachauthorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour noticeis required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410063L

01/09/2019 06:42 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:42 PM CT.

  2017 LEXINGTON 1501254N MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082586, VEHICLE LENGTH: 58 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082586 ; Vin LH0116W10261AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Lexington ; Model 1501254N ; Size 12×58 ; Axles 4 ;BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: refrigerator, kitchen table/chairs, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located insidewater closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing andother repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to makeany necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed.Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is requiredfor pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of thepurchaser receipt, a letter ofauthorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410163L

01/09/2019 06:41 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:41 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083283, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083283 ; Vin FL261AC0HA102049A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: microwave, kitchen table/chairs, couch/arm chair, coffee/end tables, ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable tomake any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorizationand a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410036L

01/09/2019 06:41 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:41 PM CT.

  2012 CAPPAERT 150100664 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1663275, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1663275 ; Vin ACCHVM441146028744 ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model 150100664 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load:30 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, coffee/end tables ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensureeach authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410136L

01/09/2019 06:41 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:41 PM CT.

  2017 CMH CLAYTON 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067377, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067377 ; Vin CLH039209TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: arm chair ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380036H

01/09/2019 06:40 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:40 PM CT.

  2016 CMH 31SSP16723AH16 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2039555, VEHICLE LENGTH: 76 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2039555 ; Vin CLW041272TX ; Year 2016 ; Mfr CMH ; Model 31SSP16723AH16 ; Size 16×76 ; Axles 4 ; BR3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normalwear and tear, odor , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: refrigerator, kitchen chair ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsiblefor roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. Theproperty custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodianwill escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410008L

01/09/2019 06:40 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:40 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY 44FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2080284, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2080284 ; Vin SOU010912AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 44FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highlyrecommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver isproperly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410108L

01/09/2019 06:40 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:40 PM CT.

  2017 MFR 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082898, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082898 ; Vin 023AC0HA003250A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, dresser drawer damaged, pet odor, refrigerator chipped/rusty , tires flat/low,vapor barrier torn, insulation hangingdown, trim loose/buckled, siding pieces ; Missing Items: 2 tires, skirt trim pieces ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located insidewater closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may berequired. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safetyupon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorizeddriver isproperly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing theunit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/sheis unable to make any repairs. No petsallowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letterof authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380008H

01/09/2019 06:40 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:40 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY TRUM42TRU14562AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2059031, VEHICLE LENGTH: 60 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2059031 ; Vin SA4073742AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy TRUmh ; Model 42TRU14562AH17 ; Size 14X60 ; Axles 3 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, kitchen light broken, loose/buckled trim, water heater and laundry plumbing cover panels loose/unattached, tires flat/low, rear door strike bent/missing, holes in siding and trim, porch light globe missing, bent rear cross frame ; Missing Items: microwave, couch, chair, end table, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from thesale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs.No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice isrequired for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400008H

01/09/2019 06:33 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:33 PM CT.

  2017 LIVE OAK F531414 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2037704, VEHICLE LENGTH: 54 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2037704 ; Vin LOHGA21631697AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Live Oak ; Model F531414 ; Size 14×54 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may notbe seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410089L

01/09/2019 06:33 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:33 PM CT.

  2017 FRIENDSHIP 4108AFEMAA08481A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2080313, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2080313 ; Vin FMT410MN1650402AAC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Friendship ; Model 4108AFEMAA08481A ; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, couch, coffee/end tables, ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and otherrepairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped tomake any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410189L

01/09/2019 06:32 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:32 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY 41FEM14603AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082946, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082946 ; Vin RUS070632AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 41FEM14603AH17 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: microwave, kitchen table/chairs, armchair, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may notbe seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior toremoving the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in makingthe unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410062L

01/09/2019 06:32 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:32 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083322, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083322 ; Vin 023AC0HA003339A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen chairs ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection.Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location.The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort eachdriver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410162L

01/09/2019 06:31 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:31 PM CT.

  2012 SCOTBILT 146023FEMMHN MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1663285, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1663285 ; Vin ACSBHGA11105220 ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Scotbilt ; Model 146023FEMMHN ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load:30 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, jack handlebroken ; Missing Items: couch ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highlyrecommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410035L

01/09/2019 06:31 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:31 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 21FEM14603AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066561, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066561 ; Vin CLH039093TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 21FEM14603AH17 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: range, refrigerator, microwave, kitchen table/chairs, couch/chairs, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 amto 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended.Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable tomake any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy ofthe purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license atthe time of removal. 70311283410135L

01/09/2019 06:31 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:31 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082674, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082674 ; Vin FL261AC0HB201259A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14X52 ; Axles4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, floor is soft by front door ,tiresflat/low, rear cross frame bent ; Missing Items: seat cushion ; MHU is equippedwith residentialfire system. Technical info located inside water closet door.Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from thesale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The propertycustodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make anyrepairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Securityrules and regulations, supervision is required forall children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380035H

01/09/2019 06:31 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:31 PM CT.

  2018 CMH CLAYTON 52SWF14462AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270491, VEHICLE LENGTH: 50 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270491 ; Vin ATH000842TX ; Year 2018 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 52SWF14462AH18 ; Size 14X50 ; Axles3 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: microwave, table, chairs, couch, chair, coffee/end tables, bedroom light cover ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highlyrecommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure eachauthorized driver is properly equipped to make anynecessary repairs prior to removing the unit. Theproperty custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodianwill escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400035H

01/09/2019 06:30 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:30 PM CT.

  2017 TRUMH 42TRU14602AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066123, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2066123 ; Vin SA4071914AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr TRUmh ;Model 42TRU14602AH17 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ;Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items:kitchen table/chairs, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other partsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410007L

01/09/2019 06:30 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:30 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY 44FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066665, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066665 ; Vin SOU010766AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 44FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, hole in wall , tires flat/low, jack handle broken ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential firesystem. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removingthe unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escorteach driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410107L

01/09/2019 06:30 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:30 PM CT.

  2017 CMH CLAYTON 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082504, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082504 ; Vin CLH039217TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14X56 ; Axles4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: pieces of skirting trim ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a validdrivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380007H

01/09/2019 06:30 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:30 PM CT.

  2018 CMH CLAYTON 52HOU16723AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2058940, VEHICLE LENGTH: 76 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2058940 ; Vin ATH000508TX ; Year 2018 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 52HOU16723AH18 ; Size 16X76 ; Axles4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch, chair, coffee/end tables, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may bemissing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring unitsare responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removingthe unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all childrenentering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400007H

01/09/2019 06:23 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:23 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2080236, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2080236 ; Vin FL261AC0HB201250A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, trim loose in 1 room , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver inmakingthe unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time ofremoval. 70311283410088L

01/09/2019 06:23 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:23 PM CT.

  2017 RIVER BIRCH FMA08481A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2037998, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2037998 ; Vin SRB20639AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr River Birch Homes ; Model FMA08481A ; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load:20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located insidewater closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may notbe seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs.No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter ofauthorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410188L

01/09/2019 06:22 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:22 PM CT.

  2012 HI TECH X30 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1662719, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1662719 ; Vin FACH6IN4090 ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Hi-Tech; Model X30 ; Size14x64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone:2 ; Options: none ; DamagesNoted: normal wear and tear, hole in floor covering in kitchen and utility room, tires flat/low, siding slightly dented at rear ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, couch,1 mattress, ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver isproperly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering theproperty location. A 24-hour notice isrequired for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410061L

01/09/2019 06:22 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:22 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066996, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066996 ; Vin 023AC0HA003230A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410161L

01/09/2019 06:21 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:21 PM CT.

  2017 CAPPAERT 641414 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067303, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067303 ; Vin CHVM16MS31813AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model 641414; Size 14×64 ; Axles 6 ; BR3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ;Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: range, refrigerator, couch/armchair, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical infolocated inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsiblefor roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. Theproperty custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodianwill escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410034L

01/09/2019 06:21 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:21 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 97FEM14603AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083389, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083389 ; Vin BEL006309TX ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 97FEM14603AH17 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410134L

01/09/2019 06:21 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:21 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083326, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083326 ; Vin 023AC0HA003200A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14X52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: arm chair ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380034H

01/09/2019 06:21 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:21 PM CT.

  2018 LEGACY S-1256-21A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2059117, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2059117 ; Vin L31209 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Legacy ; Model S-1256-21A ; Size 12X56 ; Axles 3 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wearand tear, trim loose/buckled , tires flat/low, broken trim ; Missing Items: couch, chair, coffee/endtables ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaserwill ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of thepurchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license atthetime of removal. 70311283400034H

01/09/2019 06:20 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:20 PM CT.

  2015 CMH TRUMH 97TRU14663AH15 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2039548, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2039548 ; Vin BEL003473TX ; Year 2015 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 97TRU14663AH15 ; Size 14×70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, stains on floor , tires flat/low, door doesn t close fully ; Missing Items: refrigerator, microwave, kitchen table/2 chairs, couch/armchair, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410006L

01/09/2019 06:20 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:20 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067759, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067759 ; Vin 023AC0HA003309A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection ishighly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making theunit roadworthy. The property custodian will escorteach driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt,a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410106L

01/09/2019 06:20 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:20 PM CT.

  2017 CMH CLAYTON 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082547, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082547 ; Vin CLH039242TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14X56 ; Axles4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, front door threshold bent ; Missing Items: oven racks, 1 dining room chair, night stands ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 amto 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorizeddriver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making theunit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup.Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380006H

01/09/2019 06:20 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:20 PM CT.

  2018 CAPPAERT BF 9006 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270147, VEHICLE LENGTH: 44 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270147 ; Vin CHVM32739 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model BF 9006 ; Size 16X44 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; HoldingTank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, closet wall damaged, floor covering separated, water heater cover panel loose/removed ,tires flat/low, broken roof shingles onfront ; Missing Items: microwave, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400006H

01/09/2019 06:13 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:13 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082631, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082631 ; Vin CLH039249TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch/armchair, coffee/end table, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Otherdamages may not be seen or noted during inspection.Other parts may be missingand other repairs may berequired. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location.The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort eachdriver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Drivermust have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt,a letter of authorization anda valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410087L

01/09/2019 06:13 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:13 PM CT.

  2017 FRIENDSHIP 4108AFEMAA08481A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082559, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082559 ; Vin FMT410MN1650386AAC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Friendship ; Model 4108AFEMAA08481A ; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, stains on wall , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: mattresses, night stand, light fixture covers ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 amto 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairsmay be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal fromthe sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to makeany repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410187L

01/09/2019 06:12 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:12 PM CT.

  2017 KABCO BUILDERS 641414 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2039289, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2039289 ; Vin KB021114317AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr KabcoBuilders ; Model 641414 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 6 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, wall damage in laundry alcove , tires flat/low, jack handle broken ; Missing Items: mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver isproperly equippedto make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make anyrepairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children enteringthe property location. A24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers licenseat the time of removal. 70311283410060L

01/09/2019 06:12 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:12 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION FEMA1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083465, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083465 ; Vin FL261AC0HB201293A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model FEMA1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; RoofLoad: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, jackhandle missing ; Missing Items: 2 night stands ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all childrenentering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signedcopy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410160L

01/09/2019 06:11 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:11 PM CT.

  2012 SCOTBILT 146023NORTHNONFEM MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1663209, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1663209 ; Vin ACSBHGA11105223 ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Scotbilt ; Model 146023NORTHNONFEM ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 30 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, couch/armchair, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410033L

01/09/2019 06:11 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:11 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460U3SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067337, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067337 ; Vin 021AC0HA004179A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460U3SOUTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: refrigerator ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info locatedinside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver isproperly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removingthe unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unitroadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410133L

01/09/2019 06:11 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:11 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067121, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067121 ; Vin CLH039179TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUMH ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14X56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: arm chair ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380033H

01/09/2019 06:11 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:11 PM CT.

  2018 HAMILTON 164011A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2091796, VEHICLE LENGTH: 44 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2091796 ; Vin HH18AL00103 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Hamilton ; Model 164011A ; Size 15X44 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normalwear and tear , tires flat/low, soffit corner bent; MissingItems: couch, chair, coffee/end tables ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring unitsare responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removingthe unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Drivermust have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400033H

01/09/2019 06:10 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:10 PM CT.

  2017 TRUMH 97TRU14663BH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2080436, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2080436 ; Vin BEL005736TX ; Year 2017 ; Mfr TRUmh ;Model 97TRU14663BH17 ; Size 14×70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ;Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, couch torn, wall covering torn in living room, trim next to window torn , tires flat/low, trim loose on one side ; Missing Items: 1 mattress ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rulesand regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the propertylocation. A 24-hour notice is requiredfor pickup. Driver musthave a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410005L

01/09/2019 06:10 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:10 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067067, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067067 ; Vin CLH039167TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410105L

01/09/2019 06:10 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:10 PM CT.

  2017 CMH CLAYTON 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082655, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082655 ; Vin CLH039227TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: night stands ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection.Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380005H

01/09/2019 06:10 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:10 PM CT.

  2018 CMH CLAYTON 52HOU16723AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2059088, VEHICLE LENGTH: 76 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2059088 ; Vin ATH000518TX ; Year 2018 ; Mfr CMH Clayton; Model 52HOU16723AH18 ; Size 16×76 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load:20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, loose buckled trim, cabinet door loose, closet door stuck , tires flat/low, small bend on tongue ; Missing Items: 1 window shutter, 1 porch light globe, couch, chairs, coffee/endtables, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escorteach driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all childrenentering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400005H

01/09/2019 06:03 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:03 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 21FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067477, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067477 ; Vin CLH039188TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 21FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410086L

01/09/2019 06:03 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:03 PM CT.

  2016 CUSTOM TOUCH FEMA EXPRESS MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083244, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083244 ; Vin CTH902616AC ; Year 2016 ; Mfr Custom Touch; Model FEMA EXPRESS ; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weatherpermitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other partsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules andregulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410186L

01/09/2019 06:02 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:02 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 97FEM14603AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067049, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067049 ; Vin BEL006206TX ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 97FEM14603AH17 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: range, refrigerator, kitchen table/chairs, couch/armchair, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm,weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damagesmay not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required.Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness andsafety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser willensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driverin making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due toHomeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license atthe timeof removal. 70311283410059L

01/09/2019 06:02 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:02 PM CT.

  2012 LEXINGTON 1501246S MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1728385, VEHICLE LENGTH: 46 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1728385 ; Vin LH01117044AC ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Lexington ; Model 1501246S; Size 12×46 ; Axles 3 ; BR2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ;Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: microwave, kitchen table/chairs, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to HomelandSecurity rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver musthave a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410159L

01/09/2019 06:01 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:01 PM CT.

  2016 GSH SUNSHINE FEMA1464279 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1727832, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1727832 ; Vin ACALS20518 ; Year 2016 ; Mfr GSH Sunshine ; Model FEMA1464279 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weatherpermitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other partsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules andregulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410032L

01/09/2019 06:01 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:01 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 97FEM14603AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083297, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083297 ; Vin BEL006304TX ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 97FEM14603AH17 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, black spot on floor, hole inwall , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHUis equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 amto 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removalfrom the sale location. The purchaser will ensureeach authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copyofthe purchaser receipt, a letter of authorizationand a valid drivers license atthe time of removal. 70311283410132L

01/09/2019 06:01 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:01 PM CT.

  2017 SCOTBILT 1260113FEM MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082539, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082539 ; Vin ACSBHGA11608829 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr ScotBilt ; Model 1260113FEM ; Size 12X64 ; Axles 4; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weatherpermitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other partsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules andregulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283380032H

01/09/2019 06:01 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:01 PM CT.

  2018 HAMILTON 164011A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270287, VEHICLE LENGTH: 44 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270287 ; Vin HH18AL00160 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Hamilton ; Model 164011A ; Size 15X44 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normalwear and tear, shower handle loose , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch, chair, coffee/end tables; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver inmaking the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time ofremoval. 70311283400032H

01/09/2019 06:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:00 PM CT.

  2017 TRUMH 42TRU14602AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066355, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2066355 ; Vin SA4071375AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr TRUmh ;Model 42TRU14602AH17 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 3 ; BR 2 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ;Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items:kitchen table/chairs, couch/chairs, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removalfrom the sale location. The purchaser will ensureeach authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The propertycustodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410004L

01/09/2019 06:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:00 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067123, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067123 ; Vin 023AC0HA003224A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, armchair, coffee/end tables, night stands, screens missing ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure eachauthorized driver is properly equipped to make anynecessary repairs prior to removing the unit. Theproperty custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410104L

01/09/2019 06:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:00 PM CT.

  2017 LIVE OAK FEMA531414 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2065556, VEHICLE LENGTH: 54 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2065556 ; Vin LOHGA21631604AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Live Oak ; Model FEMA531414 ; Size 14X54 ; Axles 5; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, living room cabinet shelf broken, wallswitch loose , tires flat/low, hole in soffit vent ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equippedwith residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. Theproperty custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a validdrivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380004H

01/09/2019 06:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 05:00 PM CT.

  2018 FLEETWOOD 240BS16562B MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2058977, VEHICLE LENGTH: 60 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2058977 ; Vin FLE240TX17-41030A ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Fleetwood ; Model 240BS16562B ; Size 16X60 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch, chair, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400004H

01/09/2019 05:53 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:53 PM CT.

  2017 LEXINGTON 1501254N MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066864, VEHICLE LENGTH: 58 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066864 ; Vin LH0116W10231AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Lexington ; Model 1501254N ; Size 12×58 ; Axles 4 ;BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, sink cabinet door broken , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch, coffee/end table, kitchen table/chairs, dressers/nightstands/mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to HomelandSecurity rulesand regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hournotice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410085L

01/09/2019 05:53 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:53 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 0848N1NORTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1745200, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1745200 ; Vin 122AC0HA005091A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 0848N1NORTH ; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Otherdamages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missingand other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness andsafety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization anda valid drivers license atthe time of removal. 70311283410185L

01/09/2019 05:52 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:52 PM CT.

  2016 GSH FRANKLIN 1460BTNST MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1745089, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1745089 ; Vin ALFS2360060 ; Year 2016 ; Mfr GSH Franklin ; Model 1460BTNST ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ;Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, pet odor, stain on floor covering in living area , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: microwave, kitchen table/chairs, couch/armchair, coffee/end tables, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not beseen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all childrenentering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410058L

01/09/2019 05:52 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:52 PM CT.

  2017 FLEETWOOD 2508AFEMAA12542F MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067468, VEHICLE LENGTH: 58 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067468 ; Vin FLE250TN1640694AAC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Fleetwood ; Model 2508AFEMAA12542F ; Size 12×58 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, tongue jackdamaged ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or notedduring inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible forroadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410158L

01/09/2019 05:51 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:51 PM CT.

  2012 LIVE OAK FEMA4603A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1663287, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1663287 ; Vin LOHGA11113233AC ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Live Oak ; Model FEMA4603A ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ;Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 30; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, sprinkler heads ; ViewingM through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missingand other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removalfrom the sale location. The purchaser will ensureeachauthorized driver is properly equipped to makeany necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410031L

01/09/2019 05:51 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:51 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2082964, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082964 ; Vin 125AC0HB003057A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, walls dirty , tires flat/low, 1 tire off rim, siding on front/hitch buckled near roof ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup.Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410131L

01/09/2019 05:51 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:51 PM CT.

  2017 LIVE OAK FEMA531414 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066689, VEHICLE LENGTH: 54 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066689 ; Vin LOHGA21631696AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Live Oak ; Model FEMA531414 ; Size 14X54 ; Axles 5; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: arm chair ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safetyupon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorizeddriver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing theunit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/sheis unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letterof authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380031H

01/09/2019 05:51 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:51 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION APS601 PARK MODEL BAR CODE: 2058951, VEHICLE LENGTH: 36 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 0BC 2058951 ; Vin 1A91E2641HAAPH277 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model APS601 ATHENS PARK SELECT ; Size 15X36 ; Axles 4 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone:NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: none; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, trim stained, shower handle loose, window blinds damaged , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch, chair, coffee/end tables, night stand, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing andother repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaserwill ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is requiredfor pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of thepurchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and avalid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283400031H

01/09/2019 05:50 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:50 PM CT.

  2017 CAVALIER 74CAP16723BH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066135, VEHICLE LENGTH: 76 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2066135 ; Vin CCV076230AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cavalier ; Model 74CAP16723BH17 ; Size 14×76 ; Axles 5; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, screens missing , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch ; Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due toHomeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter ofauthorization and a validdrivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410003L

01/09/2019 05:50 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:50 PM CT.

  2017 FLEETWOOD 2508AFEMAA12542F MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067373, VEHICLE LENGTH: 58 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067373 ; Vin FLE250TN1640677AAC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Fleetwood ; Model 2508AFEMAA12542F ; Size 12×58 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch/armchair, coffee/end table, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equippedwith residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended.Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410103L

01/09/2019 05:50 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:50 PM CT.

  2017 CAPPAERT 531414NORTHERNNONUFAMOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2037977, VEHICLE LENGTH: 54 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2037977 ; Vin CHVM16MS31608AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model 531414NORTHERNNONUFAS ; Size 14X54; Axles 5 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, door frameand edge damaged around lockset ; MissingItems: skirting trim ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Otherdamages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missingand other repairs may berequired. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location.The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort eachdriver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Drivermust have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt,a letter of authorization anda valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380003H

01/09/2019 05:50 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:50 PM CT.

  2018 LEGACY S-1256-21A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270078, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270078 ; Vin L31163 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Legacy ; Model S-1256-21A ; Size 12X56 ; Axles 3 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wearand tear, trim loose /buckled, bedroom wall panel loose/separated , tires flat/low, siding deformed ; Missing Items: table, chairs, couch, chair, coffee/end tables, dressers, night stands, mattresses,bed ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may notbe seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. Nopets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400003H

01/09/2019 05:43 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:43 PM CT.

  2017 FLEETWOOD 2508AFEMAA12542F MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2067056, VEHICLE LENGTH: 58 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067056 ; Vin FLE250TN1640683AAC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Fleetwood ; Model 2508AFEMAA12542F ; Size 12×58 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, loose trim near rear ; Missing Items: coffeee/end tables, mattresses ; MHU is equipped withresidential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410084L

01/09/2019 05:43 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:43 PM CT.

  2017 LEXINGTON 150848N MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1727808, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1727808 ; Vin LH0116W9685AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Lexington ; Model 150848N; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normalwear and tear, multiple areas in unit have soft floor , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen chairs, couch, coffee/end tables, night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical infolocated inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspectionis highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaserwill ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. Theproperty custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410184L

01/09/2019 05:42 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:42 PM CT.

  2012 LIVE OAK FEMA4603A MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1663004, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1663004 ; Vin LOHGA11113237AC ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Live Oak ; Model FEMA4603A ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ;Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 30; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: refrigerator, microwave, kitchen table/chairs, coffee/end tables, night stands, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all childrenentering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signedcopy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410057L

01/09/2019 05:42 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:42 PM CT.

  2017 DEER VALLEY FEMA531414NONUFUS MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2037565, VEHICLE LENGTH: 53 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2037565 ; Vin ACDVAL11706644 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr DeerValley ; Model FEMA531414NONUFUS ; Size 14×53 ; Axles 5 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, paint around kitchen window ,tires flat/low, jack handle broken ; Missing Items: microwave, kitchen table/chairs, couch/chair, coffee/end table, dressers/night stands, mattresse, ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weatherpermitting, closed holidays. Other damages may notbe seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rulesand regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hournotice is required for pickup.Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410157L

01/09/2019 05:41 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:41 PM CT.

  2012 CAPPAERT 150100665 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1663276, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1663276 ; Vin ACCHVM441146028745 ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model 150100665 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load:30 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, odor, damage to multiple doors, cutsin floor covering , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen chairs, ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and otherrepairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped tomake any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervisionis required for all children entering the propertylocation. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410030L

01/09/2019 05:41 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:41 PM CT.

  2016 GSH FRANKLIN 1460BTSUF MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1727931, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1727931 ; Vin ALFS2560072AC ; Year 2016 ; Mfr GSH Franklin ; Model 1460BTSUF ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: microwave, couch/armchair, coffee/end tables,dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside watercloset door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from thesale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy.The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410130L

01/09/2019 05:41 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:41 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY 44FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066674, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066674 ; Vin SOU010767AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 44FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14X56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highlyrecommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver isproperly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380030H

01/09/2019 05:41 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:41 PM CT.

  2018 LEGACY C-1672-32D MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2091615, VEHICLE LENGTH: 72 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2091615 ; Vin L30833 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Legacy ; Model C-1672-32D ; Size 16X72 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: ceiling fan ;Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, trim loose/buckled , tires flat/low, bent trim ; Missing Items: 1 decorative shutter, couch, chair, coffee/end tables, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may bemissing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremovalfrom the sale location. The purchaser willensure each authorized driver is properly equippedto make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. Theproperty custodian will escort each driver from the siteif he/she is unable tomake any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice isrequired for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400030H

01/09/2019 05:40 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:40 PM CT.

  2017 TRUMH 42TRU14663AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066187, VEHICLE LENGTH: 70 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2066187 ; Vin SA4071971AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr TRUmh ;Model 42TRU14663AH17 ; Size 14×70 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ;Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items:mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal fromthe sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to makeany repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers licenseat the time of removal. 70311283410002L

01/09/2019 05:40 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:40 PM CT.

  2017 FLEETWOOD 2508AFEMAA12542F MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066994, VEHICLE LENGTH: 58 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066994 ; Vin FLE250TN1640687AAC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Fleetwood ; Model 2508AFEMAA12542F ; Size 12×58 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, water damage by rear door , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: kitchen table/chairs, coffee/end tables ; MHU isequipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may bemissing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removalfrom the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. Theproperty custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable tomake any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervisionis required for all children entering the propertylocation. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410102L

01/09/2019 05:40 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:40 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY 44FEM14522AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2056800, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2056800 ; Vin SOU012014AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 44FEM14522AH18 ; Size 14X56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, tub faucet handle loose , tiresflat/low, vapor barrier torn, insulationhanging down ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M throughF, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from thesale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380002H

01/09/2019 05:40 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:40 PM CT.

  2018 CMH TRUMH 97TRU14602AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270358, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270358 ; Vin BEL008531TX ; Year 2018 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 97TRU14602AH18 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, entry door trim missing/loose, entry door sheetrock torn, bedroom vent damage/loose , tires flat/low ; Missing Items:oven rack, microwave, couch, chair, coffee/end tables, mattresses, beds ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equippedto make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children enteringthe property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license atthe time of removal. 70311283400002H

01/09/2019 05:33 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:33 PM CT.

  2017 GSH FRANKLIN 1452CONUS MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2083246, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2083246 ; Vin ALFS5060127AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr GSH Franklin ; Model 1452CONUS ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, 1 tire missing ; Missing Items: microwave, kitchen table/chairs, couch, coffee/end table, dressers/night stands, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness andsafety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license atthe time of removal. 70311283410083L

01/09/2019 05:33 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:33 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 0848N1NORTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1745268, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:3, BEDROOMS: 1, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1745268 ; Vin 122AC0HA005109A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 0848N1NORTH ; Size 8×52 ; Axles 3; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: coffee/end table ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located insidewater closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness andsafety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unitroadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site ifhe/she is unable to makeany repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410183L

01/09/2019 05:32 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:32 PM CT.

  2012 SCOTBILT 146023FEMUFASN MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1662929, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1662929 ; Vin ACSBHGA1401105147 ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Scotbilt ; Model 146023FEMUFASN ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items:none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location.The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort eachdriver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410056L

01/09/2019 05:32 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:32 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066987, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066987 ; Vin 020AC0HA000097A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: stove, refrigerator, microwave, kitchen table, couch, coffee/end tables, mattresses ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules andregulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283410156L

01/09/2019 05:31 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:31 PM CT.

  2017 CMH TRUMH 21FEM14603AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1273636, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1273636 ; Vin CLH039152TN ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH TRUmh ; Model 21FEM14603AH17 ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410029L

01/09/2019 05:31 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:31 PM CT.

  2012 SCOTBILT 146023FEMMHN MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 1663344, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 2BC 1663344 ; Vin ACSBHGA11105342 ; Year 2012 ; Mfr Scotbilt ; Model 146023FEMMHN ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load:30 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: couch ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherparts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal fromthe sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to makeany repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers licenseat the time of removal. 70311283410129L

01/09/2019 05:31 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:31 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY 44FEM14522AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2039392, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2039392 ; Vin SOU010730AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 44FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: arm chair ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located insidewater closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness andsafety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unitroadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site ifhe/she is unable to makeany repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283380029H

01/09/2019 05:31 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:31 PM CT.

  2018 LEGACY H-1676-32E MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2091616, VEHICLE LENGTH: 76 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2091616 ; Vin L28762 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Legacy ; Model H-1676-32E ; Size 16X76 ; Axles 4 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: ceiling fan ;Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, roof edge and shingle damage ; Missing Items: couch, chair, coffee/end tables, mattresses ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to makeany necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a validdrivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400029H

01/09/2019 05:30 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:30 PM CT.

  2017 CMH 31SSP16723AH17 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2066028, VEHICLE LENGTH: 76 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 2066028 ; Vin CLW041758TX ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH ; Model 31SSP16723AH17 ; Size 16×76 ; Axles 4 ; BR3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: N ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normalwear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410001L

01/09/2019 05:30 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: LA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:30 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2037664, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2037664 ; Vin 023AC0HA003222A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14×52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closetdoor. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closedholidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must havea signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283410101L

01/09/2019 05:30 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:30 PM CT.

  2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY 44FEM14522AH18 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 2056745, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2056745 ; Vin SOU011979AL ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Southern Energy ; Model 44FEM14522AH18 ; Size 14X56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, shower handle broken,loose/separated trim , tires flat/low, tongue jackbroken ; Missing Items: sections of skirting trim,microwave turntable ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may berequired. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location.The purchaserwill ensure each authorized driver isproperly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of thepurchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at thetime of removal. 70311283380001H

01/09/2019 05:30 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 01-16-2019 04:30 PM CT.

  2018 CAPPAERT BF 8000 MOBILE HOME BAR CODE: 8270226, VEHICLE LENGTH: 60 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 2BC 8270226 ; Vin CHVM32698 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model BF 8000 ; Size 16X60 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; HoldingTank: N ; Climate Zone: 1 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 2 ; Options: ceiling fan, dishwasher ; Damages Noted: floor covering torn near refrigerator , tires flat/low, 2 decorative window shutters broken, siding damaged ; Missing Items: exterior trim, tongue jack, exterior light globes, microwave, couch, chairs, coffee/end tables ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. Theproperty custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311283400001H