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GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manufactured Housing Update


10/17/2018 10:12 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $25    STATE: AK    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-24-2018 08:12 PM CT.

Flatbed trailer for parts/repair. One flat tire, rusted frame and hubs. Eroding wood on flatbed. 6.26ft X 3.11ft. Trailer has been sitting in place for over a year; it is unknown if axles still spin. There are no functioning electronics. (Fire Hydrants not included.) Inspection is highly recommended.**Located in Sitka, Alaska***NOTE: Transportation is scarce from Sitka, Alaska. Please check transportation prior to placing your bids***Appt. required for inspection and/or removal*** (Z70098-8130-C001)*** Z700988130C001