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GSA Auctions Aircraft and Aircraft Parts Update


10/28/2017 12:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: MT    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 11-04-2017 10:00 AM CT.

  DC3 PARTS: Pallets of serviceable DC-3 parts. Manufacturer date unknown. See pictures and list of items, not all items shown.***Warning to purchaser or received in an exchange may not be in compliance with applicable FAA requirements. You are solely responsible for bringing the parts into compliance with 14 CFR part 21 or other applicable standards, by obtaining all necessary FAA inspections or modifications. ***The purchaser/recipient agrees that the Government shall not be liable for personal injuries to, disabilities of, or death of the purchaser/recipient, the purchasers/recipients employees, or to any other persons arising from or incident to the purchase of this item, its use, or disposition. The purchaser/recipient shall hold the Government harmless from any or all debts, liabilities, judgments, costs, demands, suits, actions, or claims of any nature arising from or incident to purchase, use, or resale of this item.*** Acknowledgement of these terms is made by the Successful Bidder, by signing the attached Warranty form, PRIOR to removal. 1203R67283CA01