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GSA Auctions Motorcycles and Bicycles Update


11/30/2019 11:01 AM EST

CURRENT BID: $10    STATE: ND    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 12-07-2019 10:01 AM CT.

  Mongoose ledge 21in mountain bike: repairs maybe needed, additional deficiencies are unknown, sold as-is, inspection is highly recommended prior to bidding, bidders are responsible for packing and removal, inspection and removal by appointment only. 14877492890003

11/30/2019 11:00 AM EST

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: WY    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 12-07-2019 10:00 AM CT.

  2004 Arctic Cat T660 Touring Snowmobile, VIN: 4UF04SNW54T132004, Model: S2004ACFTOUSU, 3Cyl, Gas, CVT Transmission, GVWR: 810 lbs., Mileage: 3,478, Hours: 179. ((Operational) Known Deficiencies: Body rust, dents & faded paint. Normal wear & tear. Unknown Electrical and/or Mechanical issues may exist. Sold As-Is. Prior to bidding Inspection is highly recommended & strongly advised. Inspection and/or the removal of the vehicle will be by Appointment Only) 14854592960001

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