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GSA Auctions Aircraft and Aircraft Parts Update


11/04/2019 12:00 PM EST

CURRENT BID: $40,000    STATE: NJ    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 11-21-2019 11:00 AM CT.

  Offered: One unairworthy aircraft – Beechcraft Aircraft, Model KA200, Serial Number: BB-88, manufacture year: 1976. Aircraft is not airworthy and is being sold for parts only. Aircraft Total time: 7844.3 Total landings: 11,091 # 1 Engine PT6A-41, S/N PCE 80252 ETSO 2,117.7 #1 Prop S/N FY-1523 TSO 26.8 TSN 1,784.1 # 1 Engine PT6A-41, S/N PCE 80254 ETSO 2,397.6 #2 Prop S/N FY-4694 TSO 26.8 TSN 1,784.1 The buyer must take possession of the aircraft and remove from FAA facility within 30 days of purchase. All available records and logbooks will be available for inspection on site with the aircraft. Records for engines and props will transfer with aircraft Aircraft will not be flown after the sale and have no airworthiness certificate issued. The Data Plate will be removed as aircraft is not airworthy and will be sold for parts only, NO EXCEPTIONS. Aircraft is sold in “as is” condition and no warranties are expressed or implied. A $20,000 bid deposit is required to bid. Please see the below link labeled “Bid Deposit Instructions” for more information. FAA will allow buyer access to the aircraft to perform disassembly and removal. Aircraft will not be run, taxied, or flown following sale and is being offered as a part-out aircraft only. 69222593020001

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