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GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manuf. Housing Update


10/16/2019 12:04 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: MI    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 10-23-2019 10:04 AM CT.

One 2002 John Deere 550H Dozer **Please see included photos for window sticker description** THE CONDITION OF PROPERTY IS NOT WARRANTED. Vehicle may require jump start and or new battery. Vehicle may include defects, surface rust, screw holes, blemishes, dings and dents; it is the bidders RESPONSIBILTY to FULLY VERIFY vehicle condition prior to bidding. PROPERTYREMOVAL: Due to security issues at property locations, successful bidders are required to contact the custodian prior to entering the facility to remove property. SCREENING TIMES: Vehicle may be viewed at property location listed above from 8:00AM to 3:30PM Monday through Thursday. Successful bidders are responsible for loading, packing and removal of any and all property awarded to them from the exact place where the property is located. VIN:T0550HX899127. Repairs may be required 1254B092671470

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