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GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manuf. Housing Update


08/29/2019 08:34 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: AR    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 09-05-2019 06:34 PM CT.

  2002 John Deere Tractor, green (F484082, 572139) with front end loader. SN: L06320 357053; estimated hours used: 1805. Has electrical issues, needs interior liner, 3-PT hitch, PTO, AC operable, has no major leaks. Buyer fully responsible for loading, shipping and removal. Usable 14435292310014

08/29/2019 12:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $200    STATE: CA    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 09-05-2019 10:00 AM CT.

  1999 Cushman Groommaster In-Field rake. MDL 898922A. SN 99005729. 3-wheel drive. 16 hp. Gasoline. 6419 hours. Battery dead. Inoperable. Repairs required and parts may be missing. SOLD AS IS. Physical inspection is strongly recommended. (959121 9220 #0001) 95912192200001

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