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GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manufactured Housing Update


08/21/2019 06:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $10    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 08-28-2019 04:00 PM CT.

  Factory Direct Modular Trailer. This trailer consist of 1 conference room; male and female bathroom; 23 offices,1 server room and 1 small break area. Customer is responsible for loading, unloading, packing and shipping and removal of all items. Please bring all necessary equipment to complete your task. This facility offers no assistance with removal. 36740492180001

08/21/2019 05:41 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $25    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 08-26-2019 03:41 PM CT.

  2002 EZ Loader boat trailer. Three axle, 27 foot (approximate), SN: 1ZEVAFZM23A007636, AG0001612550, FEPP# 8445, license# 905-7729, TX02-14. Inoperable, tires need repair/replaced, lights inoperable, parts rusted. Other parts may be missing or broken. Item is in unknown working condition. Buyer fully responsible for all aspects of removal, no agency assistance. Bidding without inspecting item is strongly discouraged. Repairs needed. 1243N79142TX29

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