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GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manuf. Housing Update


07/05/2019 07:04 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $100    STATE: IL    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 07-12-2019 05:04 PM CT.

  One John Hollingsworth MEP 005ASS trailer generator 30KW, split both trailer tires are flat on left side and has not been used for a long time. Repairs are required. 1236WW9128IL01

07/05/2019 07:02 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $75    STATE: WI    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 07-12-2019 05:02 PM CT.

  This lot consists of one Bobcat Toolcat 5600 and Bobcat Mower 90 attachment, serial# 230700411. The front-mounted unit cuts grass before it s driven over, allowing excellent working visibility of the area to be mowed. Powered by a direct-drive hydraulic motor, three overlapping blades eliminate skips for clean cutting action, discharging cut materials to the rear. And the unique frame design allows the mower to oscillate independently to follow uneven terrain, delivering a close, clean cut. From mowing roadside ditches to large acreages, the mower attachment is ideal for all mowing. The mower is the ideal maintenance attachment for golf courses, landscape contractors, nurseries, hobby farms, municipalities, and large-lot rural homeowners. Viewing of property is highly recommended. Property may be viewed by appointment only. Parts may be missing and repairs may be required. Please contact property custodian for all questions regarding a description of the property. Local reference numbers: EE 18287, EE 18288. ICN 36560691580001, 36560691570002 MULTI ITEMS

07/05/2019 07:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $25    STATE: MN    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 07-12-2019 05:00 PM CT.

  One lot of one 1999 10 foot Spartan flatbed trailer, manufacture Featherlite. Condition is scrap, parts may be missing, and repairs may be required. 70525391402287

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