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GSA Auctions Trailers, Tractors and Manufactured Housing Update


05/15/2019 03:10 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 01:10 PM CT.

  2017 DEER VALLEY FEMA641414NONUFAS MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2065012, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2065012 ; Vin ACDVAL11706673 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr DeerValley ; Model FEMA641414NONUFAS ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 6 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, tongue jack broken ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed.Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is requiredfor pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of thepurchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and avalid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260220B

05/15/2019 03:01 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 01:01 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2067376, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067376 ; Vin 112AC0HSC250489A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load:20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, water damage under sink , tires flat/low, rear cross frame bent, some loose/damaged siding, missing siding piece on front, door edge bent ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rulesand regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the propertylocation. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260286B

05/15/2019 03:01 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 01:01 PM CT.

  2017 GULF STREAM VC23RSS VISTA CRUISETRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055763, VEHICLE LENGTH: 26 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055763 ; Vin 1NL1DTK25H1033696 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Gulf Stream ; Model VC23RSS VISTA CRUISER ; Size 8X26 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone:NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, range cover attached wrong ,tires flat/low, bedroom vent broken and covered ; Missing Items: only has 1 key, no storage key ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seenor noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removingthe unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the siteif he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260386B

05/15/2019 03:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 01:00 PM CT.

  2017 CAPPAERT 641414 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2067010, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067010 ; Vin CHVM16MS31802AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model 641414; Size 14X64 ; Axles 6 ; BR3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ;Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, front cross frame bent, tongue jack broken ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seenor noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing theunit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copyof the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers licenseat the time of removal. 70311291260219B

05/15/2019 03:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 01:00 PM CT.

  2018 RIVERSIDE 830FK MT MCKINLEY TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2057307, VEHICLE LENGTH: 32 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2057307 ; Vin 59CCC3222JL005445 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Riverside ; Model 830FK MT MCKINLEY ; Size 8X32 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORMDAMAGE UNIT, normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, rear corner trim / siding panel / and marker lights loose/broken, right side cowling bent/pulled away, water and electrical service covers damaged, fender flair torn ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm,weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required.Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser willensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driverin making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due toHomeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorizationand a valid drivers license at the timeof removal. 70311291260319B

05/15/2019 02:51 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:51 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2066719, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066719 ; Vin FL261AC0HA102028A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14X64 ; Axles5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, water damage under sink, closet shelving pulled loose, small hole in wall covering, bathroom ceiling stained , tires flat/low, damaged exterior trim, loose siding pieces, vapor barrier torn, tongue jack broken ; Missing Items: 1 tire, exterior J trim pieces ; MHU is equippedwithresidential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door.Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairsmay be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from thesale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making theunit roadworthy. The propertycustodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable tomake any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260285B

05/15/2019 02:51 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:51 PM CT.

  2018 JAYCO 267BHS JAY FLIGHT SLTRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055895, VEHICLE LENGTH: 31 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055895 ; Vin 1UJBJ0BP4J17W0203 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Jayco ; Model 267BHS JAYFLIGHT SLX ; Size 8X31 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs.No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260385B

05/15/2019 02:50 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:50 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION FEMA1460N3SOUTH MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2067296, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2067296 ; Vin FL261AC0HA102051A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model FEMA1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14×64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; RoofLoad: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, tongue jack broken ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical infolocated inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure eachauthorized driver is properly equipped to make anynecessary repairsprior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodianwill escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260218B

05/15/2019 02:50 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:50 PM CT.

  2018 GRAND DESIGN 2150RB IMAGINE TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055774, VEHICLE LENGTH: 27 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055774 ; Vin 573TE2727J5500042 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Grand Design ; Model 2150RB IMAGINE ; Size 8×27 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other partsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs.No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260318B

05/15/2019 02:41 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:41 PM CT.

  2018 OAK CREEK F1460 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2056627, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2056627 ; Vin OC011830348AC ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Oak Creek ; Model F1460 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 5 ; BR3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normalwear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: 1 window screen, 1 porch light ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info locatedinside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensureeach authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The propertycustodian will not assist the driver in making theunit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaserreceipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260284B

05/15/2019 02:41 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:41 PM CT.

  2017 HEARTLAND 27RKS TRAIL RUNNER TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055107, VEHICLE LENGTH: 34 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055107 ; Vin 5SFEB3320JE360899 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Heartland ; Model 27RKSTRAIL RUNNER ; Size 8X34 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank:Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, slight musty odor , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairsmay be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorizeddriver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making theunit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaserreceipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260384B

05/15/2019 02:40 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:40 PM CT.

  2017 CAVALIER 73FEM14603BH17 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 1727989, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1727989 ; Vin CBC048136AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cavalier ; Model 73FEM14603BH17 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 5; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, bathroom floor covering stained, living room floor covering dimpled, hole in living room wall , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not beseen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe siteif he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervisionis required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260217B

05/15/2019 02:40 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:40 PM CT.

  2018 HEARTLAND BH270 PIONEER TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2056183, VEHICLE LENGTH: 32 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2056183 ; Vin 5SFPB3126JE367920 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Heartland ; Model BH270PIONEER ; Size 8X32 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, normal wear and tear, paneling pulled loose from wall in spots , tires flat/low, tongue jack bent/broken, hole in door, awning gear cover broken, corner trim damaged, left side storage door broken, slide out dented ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seenor noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsiblefor roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser willensure each authorized driver is properly equippedto make any necessaryrepairs prior to removing theunit. The property custodian will not assist thedriver in making the unit roadworthy. The propertycustodian will escort each driver from the site ifhe/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed.Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildren entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorizationand a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260317B

05/15/2019 02:31 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:31 PM CT.

  2017 CAPPAERT 641414 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 1727952, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 1727952 ; Vin CHVM16MS31904AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model 641414; Size 14X64 ; Axles 6 ; BR3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ;Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, floor soft by entry doors, dressersdamaged, back door jamb water damaged, ceiling cracked, loose panel on kitchen cabinet, closet door scarred, floor covering stained , tires flat/low, mismatched siding ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to makeany necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed.Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is requiredfor pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of thepurchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and avalid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260283B

05/15/2019 02:31 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:31 PM CT.

  2018 KEYSTONE SM2660RL18 SPRINGDALTRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2056057, VEHICLE LENGTH: 29 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2056057 ; Vin 4YDT26629J3152455 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Keystone ; Model SM2660RL18 SPRINGDALE SS ; Size 8X29 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone:NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, loose trim/seal around storage compartment, screen door torn, right rear corner siding and trim pulled away/bent, bent tongue jack ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Otherpartsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers licenseat the time of removal. 70311291260383B

05/15/2019 02:30 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:30 PM CT.

  2018 GULF STREAM 268BH TRAILMASTER TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055047, VEHICLE LENGTH: 30 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055047 ; Vin 1NL1G3028J1129760 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Gulf Stream ; Model 268BH TRAILMASTER ; Size 8×30 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank:Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, loose/missing trim, bathroom floor soft/sinking in , tires flat/low, screen door torn, rear stabilizer bent, exterior corner trim peeled back/bent, broken roof vent ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended.Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location.A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260216B

05/15/2019 02:30 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:30 PM CT.

  2018 RIVERSIDE 830FK MT MCKINLEY TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2056065, VEHICLE LENGTH: 32 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2056065 ; Vin 59CCC3227JL005179 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Riverside ; Model 830FK MT MCKINLEY ; Size 8X32 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, shower door off track , tires flat/low, door screen torn ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seenor noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser willensure each authorized driver is properly equippedto make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is requiredfor all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signedcopy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260316B

05/15/2019 02:21 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:21 PM CT.

  2017 CAPPAERT 641414 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2037663, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2037663 ; Vin CHVM16MS31787AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Cappaert ; Model 641414; Size 14X64 ; Axles 6 ; BR3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ;Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, ceiling stained, water damage undersink, water stains on walls and trim, wall water damaged above shower, , tires flat/low, small holesin siding, front door facing damaged ; Missing Items: 1 window screen, coffee table ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from thesale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260282B

05/15/2019 02:21 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:21 PM CT.

  2018 HEARTLAND BH270 PIONEER TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2056326, VEHICLE LENGTH: 32 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2056326 ; Vin 5SFPB3122JE369373 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Heartland ; Model BH270PIONEER ; Size 8X32 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other partsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaserwill ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260382B

05/15/2019 02:20 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:20 PM CT.

  2018 FOREST RIVER COACHMACAT261RKS CATALINA STRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055670, VEHICLE LENGTH: 29 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055670 ; Vin 5ZT2CARB9JU028947 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Forest River ; Model CAT261RKS COACHMEN CATALINA SBX ; Size 8X29 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ;Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, normalwear and tear, bathroom door knob broken , tires flat/low, screendoor torn, small hole and denting on front left side ; Missing Items: radio ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may notbe seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian willescort each driver from the site if he/she is unableto make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the propertylocation. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaserreceipt, a letter of authorization and a valid driverslicense at the time of removal. 70311291260215B

05/15/2019 02:20 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:20 PM CT.

  2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY CLAY41FEM14522AH17 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2068690, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2068690 ; Vin RUS070636AL ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Southern Energy Clayton ; Model 41FEM14522AH17 ; Size 14×56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank &Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone:3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: chair, night stands ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or notedduring inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible forroadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260315B

05/15/2019 02:11 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:11 PM CT.

  2018 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2056526, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2056526 ; Vin 023AC0HA003959A ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, burn marks on stove backsplash, ceiling stained around vents, trim and baseboards damaged , tires flat/low, vapor barrier torn, front cross frame bent ; Missing Items: none ; MHUis equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damagesmay not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The propertycustodian will escort each driver from the site ifhe/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a validdrivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260281B

05/15/2019 02:11 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:11 PM CT.

  2018 KZRV 261RLLE SPORTSMEN TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2057178, VEHICLE LENGTH: 31 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2057178 ; Vin 4EZTU2622J5093953 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr KZRV ; Model 261RLLE SPORTSMEN ; Size 8X31 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: exterior water heater cover panel, battery ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removalfrom the sale location. The purchaser will ensureeach authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort eachdriver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorizationand a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260381B

05/15/2019 02:10 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:10 PM CT.

  2018 GULF STREAM 268BH TRAILMASTER TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055039, VEHICLE LENGTH: 30 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055039 ; Vin 1NL1G3028J1129757 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Gulf Stream ; Model 268BH TRAILMASTER ; Size 8×30 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank:Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, front door handle damaged ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or notedduring inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible forroadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she isunable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Dueto Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required forpickup.Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260214B

05/15/2019 02:10 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:10 PM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1448N2SOUTH MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2082978, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082978 ; Vin 023AC0HA003336A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448N2SOUTH ; Size 14X52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: 1 tire ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages maynot be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260314B

05/15/2019 02:01 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:01 PM CT.

  2018 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2056749, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2056749 ; Vin 023AC0HA003964A ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 20 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, bathroom ceiling water stained, smallholes in floor covering, , tires flat/low, rear cross frame bent, vapor barrier torn, minor siding damage ; Missing Items: 1 bed frame, 1 tire, exterior outlet cover ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorizeddriver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making theunit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaserreceipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260280B

05/15/2019 02:01 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:01 PM CT.

  2018 FOREST RIVER AVT27DBS AVENGER ATITRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2056066, VEHICLE LENGTH: 33 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2056066 ; Vin 5ZT2AVSB9JB916326 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Forest River ; Model AVT27DBS AVENGER ATI by PRIMETIME ; Size 8X33 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, slide out window broken ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may bemissing and other repairsmay be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removingthe unit. The property custodian will notassist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260380B

05/15/2019 02:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:00 NOON CT.

  2018 KZRV 261RLLE SPORTSMEN TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2057183, VEHICLE LENGTH: 31 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2057183 ; Vin 4EZTU2628J5104731 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr KZRV ; Model 261RLLE SPORTSMEN ; Size 8X31 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ;Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ;Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGEUNIT, normal wear and tear , tiresflat/low, small dents in right side, gutter dented and crimped, spare tire bracket bent ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the siteif he/she is unable to make any repairs. No petsallowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260213B

05/15/2019 02:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 12:00 NOON CT.

  2018 OAK CREEK F1453 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2055281, VEHICLE LENGTH: 57 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2055281 ; Vin OC051820181AC ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Oak Creek ; Model F1453 ; Size 14X57 ; Axles 4 ; BR2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normalwear and tear , tires flat/low, tongue jack broken; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located insidewater closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the siteif he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to HomelandSecurity rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid driverslicense at the time of removal. 70311291260313B

05/15/2019 01:51 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:51 AM CT.

  2017 CMH CLAYTON 97FEM14603AH17 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2082662, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082662 ; Vin BEL006280TX ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 97FEM14603AH17 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, ceiling stained, water damaged trimaround both entry doors , tires flat/low, small hole in rear siding, vapor barrier torn/hanging down ; Missing Items: tongue jack, arm chair, 1 dresser ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may notbe seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended.Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safetyupon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260279B

05/15/2019 01:51 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:51 AM CT.

  2018 KEYSTONE SG262RK18 SPRINGDALETRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2057177, VEHICLE LENGTH: 31 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2057177 ; Vin 4YDT26223J3104150 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Keystone ; Model SG262RK18 SPRINGDALE ; Size 8X31 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & PumpSystem: N ; Holding Tank:Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, hole in bathroom door , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairsprior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in makingthe unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260379B

05/15/2019 01:50 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:50 AM CT.

  2018 HEARTLAND BH270 PIONEER TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2056114, VEHICLE LENGTH: 32 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2056114 ; Vin 5SFPB3129JE358158 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Heartland ; Model BH270PIONEER ; Size 8X32 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, normal wear and tear, bedroom wall buckled, loose paneling , tires flat/low, bent tongue jack, large dentsin right side, siding torn, slide out trim bent and scraped ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Thoseacquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval fromthe sale location. The purchaser willensure each authorized driver is properly equippedto make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to makeany repairs. No petsallowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice isrequired for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260212B

05/15/2019 01:50 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:50 AM CT.

  2016 FRANKLIN 1452CONUSSTD MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2066663, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066663 ; Vin ALFS4560103AC ; Year 2016 ; Mfr Franklin ; Model 1452CONUSSTD ; Size 14X56 ; Axles 6; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, couch stained, bathroom floor stained , broken or torn roofing shingles, minor holes in siding, tires flat/low ; Missing Items: 1 tire, missing multiple roofing shingles ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to makeany necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260312B

05/15/2019 01:41 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:41 AM CT.

  2017 KABCO 641414 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2066579, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066579 ; Vin KB021119717AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Kabco; Model 641414 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 6 ; BR 3 ;BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; HoldingTank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wearand tear, ceiling cracked, cuts in floor covering,bathroom trim water damaged, microwave handle broken, water damaged trim around front and back doors, tires flat/low, tongue jack broken ; Missing Items: 1 bed frame, 1 window screen ; MHU is equippedwith residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior toremoving the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in makingthe unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260278B

05/15/2019 01:41 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:41 AM CT.

  2018 FOREST RIVER AVT27DBS AVENGER ATITRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2056032, VEHICLE LENGTH: 33 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2056032 ; Vin 5ZT2AVSB3JB916323 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Forest River ; Model AVT27DBS AVENGER ATI by PRIMETIME ; Size 8X33 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low; Missing Items: battery ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Drivermust have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization anda valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260378B

05/15/2019 01:40 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:40 AM CT.

  2017 KZRV 291BHLE SPORTSMEN TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2056129, VEHICLE LENGTH: 34 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2056129 ; Vin 4EZTU2921H5013340 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr KZRV ; Model 291BHLE SPORTSMEN ; Size 8X34 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ;Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ;Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGEUNIT, normal wear and tear , tiresflat/low, front steps bent/broken ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missingand other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The propertycustodian will escorteach driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260211B

05/15/2019 01:40 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:40 AM CT.

  2017 FRANKLIN 1452CONUS MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2068832, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2068832 ; Vin ALFS0170159AC ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Franklin ; Model 1452CONUS ; Size 14X56 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, laundry baseboard water damaged, bathroomdoor vent loose , tires flat/low, corner trim bent/broken, rear cross frame bent ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted duringinspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers licenseat the time of removal. 70311291260311B

05/15/2019 01:31 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:31 AM CT.

  2018 DEER VALLEY FEMA6414U3BR MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2056535, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2056535 ; Vin ACDVAL11807381 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr DeerValley ; Model FEMA6414U3BR ; Size 14X64 ; Axles6 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load:40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: UFAS ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, stains around ceiling vents , tires flat/low, vapor barrier torn, front cross frame bent ; Missing Items: entry strike plates, arm chair, dressers, night stands ; MHU is equippedwith residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays.Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units areresponsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the salelocation.The purchaser will ensure each authorizeddriver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making theunit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaserreceipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260277B

05/15/2019 01:31 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:31 AM CT.

  2018 JAYCO 287BHS JAY FLIGHT SLTRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055899, VEHICLE LENGTH: 34 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055899 ; Vin 1UJBJ0BR4J17X0196 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Jayco ; Model 287BHS JAYFLIGHT SLX ; Size 8X34 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, booth cushions torn/soiled , tires flat/low, window screens torn ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring unitsare responsible for roadworthiness and safetyupon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260377B

05/15/2019 01:30 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:30 AM CT.

  2018 KZRV C281BH CONNECT TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055599, VEHICLE LENGTH: 34 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055599 ; Vin 4EZTL2825J8081679 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr KZRV ; Model C281BH CONNECT ; Size 8X34 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options:1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, tongue jack bent, slight denting on right front side, storage compartment door damaged, slide out trim broken and bent, scrapes and small gouges on siding ; Missing Items: right side exterior access panel ; Viewing M through F, 8 amto 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen ornoted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety uponremoval from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removingthe unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy ofthe purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license atthe time of removal. 70311291260210B

05/15/2019 01:30 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:30 AM CT.

  2017 SCOTBILT 1260113FEM MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2069071, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2069071 ; Vin ACSBHGA11709118 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Scotbilt ; Model 1260113FEM ; Size 12X64 ; Axles 4; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, small hole in kitchen wall ,tires flat/low ; Missing Items: tongue jack, 1 dresser ; MHU is equipped with residentialfire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairsmay be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaserwill ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will notassist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260310B

05/15/2019 01:21 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:21 AM CT.

  2017 CHAMPION 1460N3SOUTH MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2082682, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082682 ; Vin 125AC0HB003083A ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1460N3SOUTH ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear, bathroom sink loose/offset, tear in floor covering, holes in couch, dent in ceiling , tires flat/low, rear cross frame bent ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm,weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthinessand safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver isproperly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driverfrom the site if he/she is unable to make anyrepairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, aletter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260276B

05/15/2019 01:21 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:21 AM CT.

  2018 HEARTLAND 30LX PROWLER TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2057248, VEHICLE LENGTH: 34 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2057248 ; Vin 5SFPB3324JE372322 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Heartland ; Model 30LX PROWLER ; Size 8X34 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear , tires flat/low ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driveris properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit.The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260376B

05/15/2019 01:20 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:20 AM CT.

  2018 KEYSTONE SPRINGDALE SM2820BH18 SUMMERLANTRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055609, VEHICLE LENGTH: 32 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055609 ; Vin 4YDT28224J3152347 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Keystone ; Model SM2820BH18 SPRINGDALE SUMMERLAND SERIES ; Size 8X32 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; RoofLoad: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, normal wear and tear, pet odor, small holes by bedroom door , tires flat/low, broken window, front left corner dented, right side siding dented, gouge/scrape in entrydoor and trim ; Missing Items: exterior access panel ; Viewing M through F,8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs maybe required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safetyupon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver fromthe site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260209B

05/15/2019 01:20 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:20 AM CT.

  2018 CHAMPION 1448U2SOUTH MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2056847, VEHICLE LENGTH: 52 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2056847 ; Vin 021AC0HA004916A ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Champion ; Model 1448U2SOUTH ; Size 14X52 ; Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 2 ; Roof Load: 30 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: UFAS ; Damages Noted:normal wear and tear , tires flat/low, back I-beambent ; Missing Items: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 amto 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairsmay be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorizeddriver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making theunit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to HomelandSecurity rules and regulations, supervision isrequired for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260309B

05/15/2019 01:11 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:12 AM CT.

  2018 FOREST RIVER 274VFK CHEROKEE LIMITRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055628, VEHICLE LENGTH: 34 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055628 ; Vin 4X4TCKC23JX132301 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Forest River ; Model 274VFK CHEROKEE LIMITED ; Size 8X34 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank& Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, normal wear and tear, microwave not working , tires flat/low, broken exterior access panel ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260375B

05/15/2019 01:11 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:18 AM CT.

  2017 CMH CLAYTON 97FEM14603AH17 MANUF HOUSINGBAR CODE: 2082724, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:5, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2082724 ; Vin BEL006261TX ; Year 2017 ; Mfr CMH Clayton ; Model 97FEM14603AH17 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles5 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, water damage on baseboards and trimnear back door, water damage under sink , tires flat/low, window screen torn, loose siding ; Missing Items: arm chair ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may berequired. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assistthe driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escorteach driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260275B

05/15/2019 01:10 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:15 AM CT.

  2018 FOREST RIVER PRIME TLCT2911RB LACROSSE LTRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2075457, VEHICLE LENGTH: 32 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2075457 ; Vin 5ZT2LCUB5JB009391 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr Forest River ; Model LCT2911RB LACROSSE LUXURY LITE by PRIME TIME ; Size 8X32 ; Axles 2 ; BR 1 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank &Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 1 slide out ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGEUNIT, normal wear and tear, refrigerator uninstalled and doors removed, furnacemissing, loose/removed trim and panel, pet odor, small holes in bedroom wall , tires flat/low, broken window, scratches on door and cowling below door ; Missing Items: furnace, battery,propane tank cover, exterior water heater access panel ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other partsmay be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiringunits are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properlyequipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for allchildrenentering the property location. A 24-hournotice is required for pickup. Driver must have asigned copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260208B

05/15/2019 01:10 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:17 AM CT.

  2016 FRANKLIN 1452CONUSSTD MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2066953, VEHICLE LENGTH: 56 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2066953 ; Vin ALFS4560116AC ; Year 2016 ; Mfr Franklin ; Model 1452CONUSSTD ; Size 14X56 ; Axles 4; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, kitchen cabinet baseboard loose , tires flat/low, tongue jack broken ; MissingItems: none ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing Mthrough F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit. The property custodian willnot assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodianwill escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs.No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering theproperty location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letterof authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260308B

05/15/2019 01:00 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:19 AM CT.

  2017 SCOTBILT 1260113CONUSUFASFEM MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2069128, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:4, BEDROOMS: 2, BATHROOMS: 1, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2069128 ; Vin ACSBHGA11709129 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr Scotbilt ; Model 1260113CONUSUFASFEM ; Size 12X64 ;Axles 4 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options: UFAS ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, water damage under sink , tires flat/low, front and rear door frames missing strike plates, latch mortises not cut, tongue jack broken ; Missing Items: microwave ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing Mthrough F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removalfrom the sale location. The purchaser will ensureeach authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodianwill escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs.No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations,supervision is required for all children entering theproperty location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260307B

05/15/2019 12:51 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:12 AM CT.

  2017 DEER VALLEY FEMA641414 MANUF HOUSING BAR CODE: 2039069, VEHICLE LENGTH: 64 FEET,AXLES:6, BEDROOMS: 3, BATHROOMS: 2, WIND ZONE: 3BC 2039069 ; Vin ACDVAL11706733 ; Year 2017 ; Mfr DeerValley ; Model FEMA641414 ; Size 14X64 ; Axles 6 ; BR 3 ; BA 2 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System:N; Holding Tank: N ; Climate Zone: 3 ; Roof Load: 40 ; Wind Zone: 3 ; Options:none ; Damages Noted: normal wear and tear, small hole in floorcovering, ceiling stained, small crack in ceiling , tires flat/low, small holes in siding ; Missing Items: tongue jack, 3 chairs, couch, dressers, night stands,2 bed frames ; MHU is equipped with residential fire system. Technical info located inside water closet door. Viewing M through F, 8 am to 3 pm, weather permitting, closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection. Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. Thepurchaser will ensure each authorized driveris properly equipped to make any necessary repairs priorto removing the unit.The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260273B

05/15/2019 12:41 PM EDT

CURRENT BID: $500    STATE: TX    NO. OF BIDDERS: 0     CLOSE TIME: 05-20-2019 11:18 AM CT.

  2018 KZRV 362BH SPORTSMEN TRAVEL TRAILER BAR CODE: 2055633, VEHICLE LENGTH: 41 FEET, TRAILER TYPE: SLIDE OUTBC 2055633 ; Vin 4EZTS3629J5070066 ; Year 2018 ; Mfr KZRV ; Model 362BH SPORTSMEN ; Size 8X41 ; Axles 2 ; BR 2 ; BA 1 ; Keys: Y ; Tank & Pump System: N ; Holding Tank: Y ; Climate Zone: NA ; Roof Load: NA ; Wind Zone: NA ; Options: 2 slide outs ; Damages Noted: STORM DAMAGE UNIT, normal wear and tear, slide out trim damaged, bedroom door does not close , tires flat/low, sliding door seal loose, rear slide out not fullyretracted, steps bent, front corner trim dented ; Missing Items: none ; Viewing M through F, 8 am to3 pm, weather permitting,closed holidays. Other damages may not be seen or noted during inspection.Other parts may be missing and other repairs may be required. Inspection is highly recommended. Those acquiring units are responsible for roadworthiness and safety upon removal from the sale location. The purchaser will ensure each authorized driver is properly equipped to make any necessary repairs prior to removing the unit. The property custodian will not assist the driver in making the unit roadworthy. The property custodian will escort each driver from the site if he/she is unable to make any repairs. No pets allowed. Due to Homeland Security rules and regulations, supervision is required for all children entering the property location. A 24-hour notice is required for pickup. Driver must have a signed copy of the purchaser receipt, a letter of authorization and a valid drivers license at the time of removal. 70311291260372B